The Nerds Awaken

A Pop Culture Roundup: Our Oscars Hot Take, TV Binges, and Books We're Definitely Finishing in 2025

The Nerds Awaken Season 4 Episode 2

Every once in a while at The Nerds Awaken we sit down with no plan, no outline, no agenda; we just hit record and let the pop culture gossip flow. And that's what this episode is, our stream-of-consciousness thoughts on all the recent pop culture and entertainment happenings, plus all the books/movies/tv shows we're loving lately and the ones we're looking forward to.

Hear our various hot takes on the Oscars, the upcoming 20th anniversaries of Revenge of the Sith* and Pride and Prejudice, Janna's C-Drama addiction, Julie's obsession with Paradise on Hulu, and why Mate by Ali Hazelwood is our most anticipated book of 2025.

*in the recording we mistakenly call it the 25th anniversary of Revenge of the Sith- we're old and it was past our bedtime, okay?!

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